
This year at Milky Way we are exploring sustainability and conscious choices in the fashion industry, as business owners, and as members of our community, in the paradise that is Crested Butte.

One way that we are working towards “Preserving Our Earth”, is through choosing to purchase from companies like Mavi. Mavi is taking steps towards becoming more sustainable but also has a history of sustainability efforts.

Recently featured in Elle Magazine’s article: “The Denim Industry Is Notorious For Wasting Water. Here’s How They’re Changing That.”, Mavi offers a new, 100% vegan collection, a wash-and-laser technology, and a new Indigo Turtles initiative! Why, you may ask? Well, the intro to Carreon’s article in Elle sums up the issues pretty well:

It can take up to 1,800 liters of water to produce a single pair of jeans. To give you an idea of what that looks like, it’s equal to flushing your toilet 132 times in a row. And that’s not the only problem the denim industry has. The EPA reported that between 1960 and 2015, textile waste has increased by 811 percent. According to a Greenpeace report, approximately 1.7 million tons of chemicals go into producing two billion pairs of jeans every year. It’s a little bit scary.

It’s safe to say that in Crested Butte we are all fairly aware of our actions and how those affect the world around us. As a town, we have numerous earth-friendly organizations, efforts, and initiatives that help to remind us to stay on track and inform us of issues we may not have been aware of.

Things like bringing your own containers for take out, saying “no, thanks” to a straw, and of course reusable shopping bags have all become the norm for most Buttians and our awesome guests, too. But what about our purchasing decisions?

Michele Marsh gives some brain-sparking questions for us all to consider in order to be more conscious jeans and fashion consumers:

  • Where are they being produced?

  • How are their workers treated?

  • Do they make a living wage?

  • How much water and energy are they using throughout the production process?

  • Are they using harsh chemicals to create their washes?

  • What kind of waste are they leaving behind?

Mavi sets the example for us all. According to Elle Magazine:

In 2020, Mavi is rolling out global initiatives to launch a “sustainable 100% vegan collection with no animal materials used in production,” pivoting their offices to a plastic-free environment, and are currently using only 100% recycled materials for packaging. Beyond sustainability, Mavi collaborates with the Ecological Research Society for their Indigo Turtles project, “to help protect endangered sea turtles native to the Mediterranean. In addition to active field work to help save the turtles, Mavi has designed exclusive t-shirts where the proceeds to go EKAD to further their research and mission.” The brand also sponsors their office workers to travel across Turkey to help newborn turtles reach the ocean.

Got your attention? We hope so! Are you just dying to try on a pair of Mavi jeans and show some support for this awesome company?!

You’re in luck— come on in to Milky Way between February 19 - February 29 and try on a pair of Mavi Jeans and enter to win a free pair!  No purchase necessary.

Come into Milky Way in Crested Butte, try on a pair of Mavi Jeans, and enter to win a pair! Saturday February 15 - Saturday, February 29. No purchase necessary. Winner announced March 1st!

Come into Milky Way in Crested Butte, try on a pair of Mavi Jeans, and enter to win a pair! Saturday February 15 - Saturday, February 29. No purchase necessary. Winner announced March 1st!

Holly Kate