5 ways to celebrate Galentine's Day in Crested Butte

Ahhh February, the month of the loved and contested Valentine’s Day. Wherever you stand on the Hallmarkization of the holiday of LOVE we can all agree that any excuse to have more friend time is a good excuse. Enter Galentine’s Day, the best fake holiday to come around since Rex Manning Day or Star Wars Day. It’s all about gal pals and girl stuff and we are here for that.

So what are the best ways to celebrate Galentine’s (or Valentine’s Day) in Crested Butte? We’ve come up with our top 5 but we hope you use these as ideas to inspire you throughout the month, with your friends, your sweetie, or even your pets! When we make others feel good it makes us feel good and we can all use more GOOD!

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Top 5 Ways to Celebrate Galentine’s Day in

Crested Butte, Colorado

  1. Celebrate all month long - no need to rush. Take it easy and spread out your plans throughout the month!

  2. Get outside - Whether you’re into nordic or downhill, snowshoeing, or a stroll down Elk Ave, just take it outside. Stop by Milky Way first to check out our base layers from Hanro, they’re silk, we love them, you will too.

  3. Spread the Love - Volunteer together! You can head to https://www.gunnisonvalleyvolunteers.com/ to view volunteer opportunities and here’s a short list of Crested Butte Non-Profits that are welcoming volunteers: Sustainable CB (email: sustainablecb@gmail.com), Gunnison Valley Mentors, KBUT, The Crested Butte Dance Collective, and The Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum. We are sure there are many more as well! Please visit https://cfgv.org/nonprofits/ for a complete list of local non-profits!

  4. Grab a drink - Pick a different spot for each Galentine date. Date one may be tea at the T-Bar, Date 2 cocktails at Montaya’s, Date 3: Smoothies at the Daily Dose, Rumor’s Coffee, Camp 4, we could go on!

  5. Participate in Random Acts of Kindness -

    1. When you go on that coffee date pay for the next person’s cup of Jo, you never know how that can change someones day!

    2. Compliment a stranger.

    3. Let someone who seems rushed cut in front of you in the checkout line.

    4. Hold the door open for someone.

    5. When you get good service at a store or restaurant, ask for the manager and praise the employee. Most managers only hear the bad stuff and employees will feel special!

    6. Make handmade Valentines together and leave them around town for folks to find! Here is a list of simple sayings you can write on your hand made cards:

  • You know who’s awesome? Read that first word again.

  • Throw kindness around like confetti.

  • Hey, you’re great.

  • One kind word can change someone’s entire day.

  • Be the reason someone smiles today.

  • Psst…you’re awesome.

Holly Kate